weather station
Area: 11014 km2
The highest point: Tok (865 m.s.l.)
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Current weather

Meteorological map - weather stations in Středočeský

. The meteorological maps show weather information from WARIO weather stations

Weather stations Středočeský

 UpdatesNameStatusTemperatureHumidityWind speedWind direction
22.1.2025 10:04Vestec-4.3 °C90.5 %2.0 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:04Barochov-5.0 °C100.0 %1.7 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:04Beroun-4.5 °C98.4 %1.6 m/s NE
22.1.2025 10:04Beroun-4.3 °C95.3 %1.9 m/s NE
22.1.2025 10:04Bořanovice-3.6 °C99.5 %0.0 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Jílové u Prahy - Borek-3.6 °C100.0 %0.0 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:04Břešťany-3.4 °C97.3 %0.9 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Budiměřice-3.2 °C89.5 %1.4 m/s E
17.12.2024 08:42Rakovník6.6 °C88.6 %0.0 m/s W
22.1.2025 10:04Králův Dvůr-5.1 °C99.1 %0.0 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Černošice-4.2 °C86.2 %1.4 m/s W
22.1.2025 10:03Chotětov-3.1 °C100.0 %1.2 m/s E
17.1.2025 23:59Přítoky-1.0 °C94.8 %0.9 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:03Dobřejovice-4.3 °C92.8 %1.1 m/s NE
22.1.2025 10:04Dolní Břežany-4.5 °C94.8 %0.8 m/s NE
22.1.2025 10:04Kondrac-Dub-5.5 °C94.5 %1.4 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:04Milovice-2.9 °C89.7 %1.1 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Horní Bezděkov-4.8 °C89.6 %0.0 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:04Hovorčovice-3.5 °C100.0 %1.4 m/s SE
9.1.2025 16:52Sedlčany °C %0.0 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:03Žebrák-4.7 °C90.5 %1.3 m/s NE
22.1.2025 10:04Jiřetice-5.4 °C100.0 %0.0 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Kosova Hora-6.1 °C91.5 %0.7 m/s NW
22.1.2025 10:03Kostelec nad Černými lesy-1.0 °C80.5 %0.0 m/s W
22.1.2025 10:04Krásná Hora nad Vltavou-5.4 °C100.0 %0.9 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Květnice-3.8 °C89.8 %0.8 m/s N
22.1.2025 10:04Krušovice-5.2 °C94.6 %1.3 m/s NE
22.1.2025 10:02Zdice-4.5 °C81.9 %1.5 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Měšice-3.5 °C91.6 %1.3 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Vestec-3.8 °C87.4 %1.0 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:04Jince-5.8 °C94.1 %0.0 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Dolní Jirčany-5.1 °C100.0 %0.7 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Cetyně-5.7 °C94.6 %0.9 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Nová Ves-2.2 °C79.3 %0.9 m/s N
22.1.2025 10:04Vysoký Újezd-5.3 °C92.5 %0.0 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Osnice-4.0 °C88.8 %1.2 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:03Srby-4.9 °C91.6 %2.1 m/s NW
22.1.2025 10:04Sulice-4.8 °C87.9 %1.0 m/s N
22.1.2025 10:04Milín-5.9 °C92.1 %0.0 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Líbeznice-3.9 °C91.6 %1.6 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Mnichovice-3.9 °C91.0 %1.0 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Mníšek pod Brdy-5.0 °C99.0 %1.2 m/s SW
22.1.2025 10:04Hořovice-5.8 °C97.6 %0.0 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Suchodol-5.4 °C100.0 %1.5 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:03Říčany-4.0 °C98.1 %0.6 m/s W
22.1.2025 10:04Svojetice-4.3 °C87.9 %1.1 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Toušice-3.1 °C92.4 %0.0 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Třebonín-3.5 °C90.1 %0.6 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Třebsko-5.9 °C89.3 %1.0 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Unhošť-4.5 °C90.9 %0.7 m/s N
22.1.2025 10:03Všešímy-4.4 °C99.1 %0.7 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Všetaty-2.4 °C94.2 %1.3 m/s NE
22.1.2025 10:04Zápy-3.2 °C91.9 %1.1 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Zdice-4.9 °C96.6 %1.6 m/s E
22.1.2025 10:04Zduchovice-5.1 °C96.0 %1.6 m/s SE
22.1.2025 10:04Zibohlavy-2.0 °C87.1 %0.0 m/s S
22.1.2025 10:04Zichovec-4.8 °C90.5 %0.0 m/s S
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