weather station
Area: 4519 km2
The highest point: Králický Sněžník (1424 m.s.l.)
Total stations: 10
Stations online: 10
Stations offline: 0
Current weather

Meteorological map - weather stations in Pardubický

. The meteorological maps show weather information from WARIO weather stations

Weather stations Pardubický

Maximum and minimum for 19.9.2024

Maximum temperature14.5 °C19.9.2024 00:32
Minimum temperature-40.0 °C19.9.2024 00:00
Maximum pressure1027.4 hPa19.9.2024 00:00
Minimum pressure1018.0 hPa19.9.2024 05:09
Maximum solar radiation0.0 W/m219.9.2024 00:00
Maximum wind speed1.7 m/s19.9.2024 00:28
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